Class Expectations

At the beginning of the year, the students and I developed 5 classroom expectations that we are responsible for in room 3, Mrs. Phillips' room, and throughout our school.

We can:

1. Respect others-Always use kind words

2. Keep hands and feet to ourselves

3. Listen-with our eyes, ears, and mouths (quiet mouths)

4. Raise our hand

5. Take turns/share



If a student is responsible and respectful and is showing classroom expectations he/she will be rewarded in various ways by:

  • Verbal praise, cheers, or high five
  • Positive notes/phone calls home or to Mr. Altobello
  • Earning a fuzzies, jewels, and stickers
  • Earning one of the following rewards:
  • a prize from the treasure chest
  • lunch bunch with the teacher and a few friends
  • being a teacher's helper
  • earning computer time/ipad time/free choice time

Keep up the AWESOME job, friends! smiley